Say No to School Vouchers

The only way we are going to win against vouchers is if we all work hard to educate other Texans about what vouchers will do to Texas.

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Private school vouchers don’t save taxpayers money. 🛑 Removing students doesn’t reduce school costs, it just cuts their budget. Vouchers leads to deficits and even tax increases! #NoVouchers #SayNoToVouchers #TxEd #VoteDemocrat

Private school vouchers undermine our public schools by diverting resources away from the students who need them most. Public schools educate ALL students; they deserve our full support—not defunding. #SayNoToVouchers #SupportPublicSchools #TxEd #VoteDemocrat

Private school vouchers don’t improve academic achievement. In fact, in most states, they’ve led to declines in student performance. We can’t afford to gamble with our kids' education. #SayNoToVouchers #SupportPublicSchools #TxEd #VoteDemocrat

Private school vouchers don’t improve public schools. In fact, they take away resources, making it even harder for schools to implement the necessary changes. Our public schools need more support, not less. #SayNoToVouchers #SupportPublicSchools #TxEd #VoteDemocrat

Private school vouchers don’t offer real choice. Private schools can accept vouchers but still reject students. They don’t accept ALL students, meaning many kids are left behind. Public schools are the only schools that welcome everyone. #SayNoToVouchers #TxEd #VoteDemocrat

Private school vouchers don’t support students with special needs or disabilities. Private schools aren’t required to follow a student's IEP, leaving many vulnerable students without the support they need. Public schools accept everyone. #SayNoToVouchers #TxEd #VoteDemocrat

Private school vouchers don’t help low-income students. The cost and fees of private schools are often higher than the voucher itself. Vouchers don’t provide real opportunities for those who need them most. #SayNoToVouchers #TxEd #VoteDemocrat

Private school vouchers often fund poor-quality schools. Without accountability, many voucher-funded schools lack qualified teachers, proper facilities, and even teach questionable curriculum. We need higher standards, not lower! #SayNoToVouchers #TxEd #VoteDemocrat

Private school vouchers don’t hold schools accountable. Most don’t measure student success or meet minimum education standards. Taxpayers deserve transparency, and public schools provide that accountability. #SayNoToVouchers #TxEd #VoteDemocrat #AccountabilityMatters

Private school vouchers strip students of the rights and protections they have in public schools. They also lose First Amendment, due process, and other statutory rights. Public schools protect every student. #SayNoToVouchers #SupportPublicSchools #TxEd #VoteDemocrat

Private school vouchers violate religious freedom by using taxpayer money to fund religious education. They also threaten the autonomy of religious schools by inviting government interference. Let’s keep church and state separate. #SayNoToVouchers #TxEd #VoteDemocrat

Even Greg Abbott’s own Texas Education Agency (TEA) admits that vouchers decrease funding for public schools. #SayNoToVouchers #SupportPublicSchools #TxEd #VoteDemocrat